
All of the APIs indexed with are rated using Spectral rules that are designed to look for specific properties, and when found points are applied. The goal of these rules are to incentivize API producers to index their APIs, and provide as many properties as possible, helping API consumers be more successful. These are all of the rules currently being used to rate APIs, including the current points applied.

Base URL for APIs

Your API should have the base URL included to help provide a unique identifier for your API.

10 points

Description of APIs

A robust and informative description of your collection of APIs makes a lot sense.

10 points

Human URL for APIs

Your API should have the human URL included to help provide a single link to your API.

10 points

Image of APIs

It makes your API more presentable to have a logo or image representation.

10 points

Name of APIs

Providing a name of your index of APIs helps ensure it will be discoverable.

10 points

API Properties Change Change Log

Offering a change log helps increase awareness with consumers that changes have occurred, providing a place to stay up to date.

5 points

API Properties Change Road Map

Offering a road map for your API helps increase the awareness with your consumers that change is coming.

5 points

API Properties Communications Blog

Offering a blog that is dedicated to your API helps increase engagement with consumers and help ensure they are more aware of what is happening.

10 points

API Properties Communications Video

Offering a video channel that is dedicated to your API helps increase engagement with consumers and help ensure they are more aware of what is happening.

10 points

API Properties Documentation

Providing a URL to your API documentation helps onboard users to what they will need to learn about your APIs.

10 points

API Properties Documentation OpenAPI

Providing an OpenAPI for your API provides consumers with a contract of what your API delivers.

25 points

API Properties Documentation Postman Collection

Providing a Postman collection is a great way to provide usable reference, onboarding, and workflow documentation.

5 points

API Properties Environments Production

Offering a production environment makes it easy for consumers to access the details they need to work with an API in production.

5 points

API Properties Environments Sandbox

Offering a sandbox environment provides an easy way for consumers to explore your API when onboarding.

5 points

API Properties Legal License

Offering a dedicated licensing page helps ensure consumers are aware of the licensing for an API, SDKs, and other supporting resources.

5 points

API Properties Legal Privacy Policy

Offering a dedicated privacy policy page helps ensure consumers are aware of the privacy requirements surrounding using an API.

5 points

API Properties Legal Support

Offering a dedicated terms of service page helps ensure consumers are aware of what is expected when it comes to using a service.

5 points

API Properties Management Authentication

Offering a dedicated authentication page for your API helps reduce friction with consumers when onboarding and putting APIs to work.

10 points

API Properties Management Getting Started

Offering a getting started resource for your consumers helps reduce friction when onboarding with your API.

10 points

API Properties Management Plans

Offering a dedicated plans page helps increase the awareness amongst consumers regarding the access tiers for your API.

10 points

API Properties Management Signup

Providing a signup form to begin using your service provides a quick link for new API consumers to get started.

10 points

API Properties SDK Go

Offering a Go SDK for consumers to use will save them time when it comes to onboarding and integrating an API into their applications.

5 points

API Properties Java Node

Offering a Java SDK for consumers to use will save them time when it comes to onboarding and integrating an API into their applications.

5 points

API Properties SDK Node

Offering a Node SDK for consumers to use will save them time when it comes to onboarding and integrating an API into their applications.

5 points

API Properties SDK Python

Offering a Python SDK for consumers to use will save them time when it comes to onboarding and integrating an API into their applications.

5 points

API Properties Email email

Offering a dedicated email channel for your API makes it very simple for consumers to get the support they need when using your API.

5 points

API Properties Support Issues

Offering a support using GitHub issues offers an easy way to encourage consumers to submit issues and communicate in a self-service way.

5 points

API Properties Support Support

Offering a formal support page and channel helps make it easy for consumers to find the help they need with putting aPIs to work.

20 points

API Properties Workspaces GitHub Public

Providing a URL to your GitHub public repositories provides consumers with a place to engage around your API.

15 points

API Properties Workspaces Postman Public

Providing a URL to your Postman public workspace provides consumers with a place to engage around your API.

5 points

Tags for API

Using the tags property for your APIs helps add more metadata and make your APIs discoverable.

5 points

One Tag for API

Having at least one tag for your APIs helps ensure that it will be more discoverable.

5 points

Description of APIs.json

A robust and informative description of your colleciton of APis makes a lot sense.

10 points

Image of APIs.json

It makes your API more presentable to have a logo or image representation.

10 points

Maintainers for APIs.json

Using the maintainers property for your APIs.json helps build trust and provenance for your APis.

10 points

Maintainers Email

Providing an email address for maintainers helps build trust and provide a point of contact for your APIs.json.

5 points

Maintainers for APIs.json

Providing an FN for maintainers helps build trust and provide a point of contact for your APIs.json.

5 points

Name of APIs.json

Providing a name of your index of APIs helps ensure it will be discoverable.

10 points

Tags for APIs.json

Using the tags property for your APIs.json helps add more metadata and make your APIs discoverable.

5 points

One Tag for APIs.json

Having at least one tag for your APIs.json helps ensure that it will be more discoverable.

5 points

URL for APIs.json

Providing a reference to where your APIs.json is located is a valuable references.

10 points

We are just getting started and wil be adding new rules, refining existing rules, and adjust points based upon the desired behaviors we are looking for. APIs that have a higher score applied by the rating system will show up higher in the search index, helping the best APIs rise to the top. As more APIs are added we will keep applying what we are learning through the development of new rules.