Mastercard Automatic Billing Updater API

Automatic Billing Updater (ABU) is a web service that provides access to updated account credentials (cards). This can be leveraged by Merchant/Acquirers/Payment Service Providers to ensure that they always have their customers’ most up to date card credentials on file; the main benefit being a big reduction in declines for recurring and card-on-file payments. This service can be used in two different ways, either pulling updates or having updates pushed to an endpoint on the Merchant/Acquirers/Payment Service Provider’s system for account numbers that they are watching.





  • Score: 120


Name of APIs.json 10
Description of APIs.json 10
Image of APIs.json 10
URL for APIs.json 10
Tags for APIs.json 5
Name of APIs 10
Description of APIs 10
Image of APIs 10
Human URL for APIs 10
Base URL for APIs 10
Tags for API 5
Maintainers for APIs.json 10
Maintainers for APIs.json 5
Maintainers Email 5
Score: 120

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